
SCHALLER Solutions GmbH
Hauptplatz 20
2100 Korneuburg
Phone: +43 2262 247 60

UID-Number: ATU79647278
Commercial register entry: 608233 k
Commercial court: Korneuburg


Photo credits
Steter Studio — Stefan Gergely

SCHALLER Solutions GmbH has carefully compiled the information provided on this website. The information provided on this website is regularly checked and updated without prior notice. Nonetheless information could have changed in the meantime. offers no guarantee for the correctness, reliability and accuracy of the information. It does not provide any liability for direct loss or consequential loss or other losses of any kind, which arise for any reason whatsoever in the indirect or the direct use of the information made available on this website.

Purpose of the website
Providing general information about the Schaller company and its services. This information does not constitute an offering in the legal sense.

Copyright notice
All contents and images published on this website are protected by copyright. Any use not permitted by copyright law requires prior written agreement from SCHALLER Solutions GmbH. This applies particularly to the copying, modification, translation, saving, converting and repetition of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Downloads from websites are permitted for private and non-commercial use.

Data protection

You have voluntarily provided us with data about yourself and we process this data on the basis of your consent for the purpose of service requests and business initiation.

We save your data (name, e-mail address and telephone number) only for the purpose of preparing offers and customer or service inquiries.

Legal appeal
In principle, you have the right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data transferability and objection. To do this, contact us at

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